Bedurulanka2012 1st Day Total WW Collections!

Bedurulanka2012 1st Day Collections – Young Hero Karthikeya’s latest outing Bedurulanka2012 movie released recently and movie got decent start at box office on 1st day, Movie will show good trend over the weekend for sure…
Here is Bedurulanka2012 1st Day Total WW Collections
👉Nizam: 42L
👉Ceeded: 23L
👉UA: 20L
👉East: 12L
👉West: 7L
👉Guntur: 14L
👉Krishna: 12L
👉Nellore: 6L
AP-TG Total:- 1.36CR(0.80CR~ Share)
👉Ka+ROI+OS – 27L~
Total WW Collections:- 1.63CR Gross(0.94CR~ Share)
Movie Overall Business(worth) = 4.10Cr
Break Even= 4.50Cr+
*Movie Need Another…. 3.56Cr For Clean Hit
Day 1 WW Collections — 0.94CR~(1.63CR~ Gross)
Here is Bedurulanka2012 WW Business Details(Valued)
👉Nizam – 85L
👉Ceeded – 65L~
👉Andhra – 1.75CR~
👉KA+Roi+OS – 85L~
TOTAL WW Business – 4.10CR
Break Even – 4.50CR+
Disclaimer: Box Office data is compiled from various sources. We make every effort to verify and give you correct information. However, we do not take any responsibility for authenticity of this data in any manner.