Arjun Suravaram 5 Days Collections

Nikhil latest Movie Arjun Suravaram Holding very well in working days, movie on 5th day collected share of 0.48cr in AP TG and worldwide 0.51cr, Taking total 5 Days AP TG collections crossed 4.51cr and worldwide 5 days collections crossed 5.29cr mark.
Here is movie 5th Day AP TG Collections
?Nizam: 16L
?Ceeded: 6L
?UA: 7L
?East: 5L
?West: 3.2L
?Guntur: 4L
?Krishna: 3.6L
?Nellore: 3L
AP-TG Total:- 0.48cr
Here is Movie 5 Days Worldwide Collections
?Nizam: 1.18Cr
?Ceeded: 56L
?UA: 67L
?East: 43L
?West: 34L
?Guntur: 59L
?Krishna: 45L
?Nellore: 29L
AP-TG Total:- 4.51cr
Ka & ROI: 25L
OS: 53L
Total WW: 5.29CR(9.55cr Gross)
Movie break even target is 6cr and movie need to collect another 0.71cr share for clean hit status.
Recently movie unit mailed us about movie business.. here is what they said on business “There is a misinformation regarding Arjun Suravaram
The nizam rights have been sold to Asian Sunil ji for 2.45 crores..
and entire Andhra and Ceded is 3 crores..
these r the exact amounts we sold the movie for to the distributors.
Overseas and Rest of India is Almost Own release since we were not paid because of delay in release… Please we request u to make the necessary updates” they added
Here is movie business details
Nizam – 2.45Cr
Ceeded – 1Cr
Andhra – 2Cr
AP-TG: 5.45Cr
Rest – Own release
Total WW: 5.45Cr( Break Even – 6Cr) Business…..Now movie need to collect around 6cr range share at least for break even….