Avatar2 3 Days Telugu States Collections!

Avatar The Way Of Water 3 Days Telugu Collections: Hollywood Biggest Release Avatar The Way Of Water holds extremely well in 3rd day in Telugu states….
Movie was expected to collect around 10cr range gross and movie crossed that gross mark and collects around 12.60cr gross on day 3…
Here is Avatar2 Day Wise AP TG Collections
👉Day 1 – 13.65Cr
👉Day 2 – 10.85Cr
👉Day 3 – 12.60Cr
Total AP TG – 37.10CR GROSS
Here is 3 Days Avatar The Way Of Water collections in Telugu States
👉Nizam – 19.65Cr
👉Ceeded – 4.75Cr
👉Andhra – 12.70Cr
Total AP TG – 37.10CR GROSS
Movie completely releases by own in Telugu states, So Valued business details yet to calculate….overall excellent weekend For Avatar 2 in Telugu States…
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