Majili 6th Day Collections – Crossed 25cr Mark

Yuva Samrat Akkineni NagaChaitanya’s latest movie “Majili” rock solid in working days too. Movie drops in working days is just 15 to 20% which is excellent hold only few big movies achieved to do this.
In 5 Days movie collected 23.58cr share at box office and coming to 6th day movie again hold very well in Nizam, Ceeded and Vizag areas, rest of areas have little heavy drops compare to this areas.
All in all movie 6th day ap tg collections will be now looking to cross over 1.5cr mark for sure. And worldwide collections will cross 1.7cr mark for sure. Taking total 6 days collections will cross 25cr share mark at box office, which is 2nd best for Naga Chaitanya carrier.